Selects all rows between top and bottom if b=true, deselects them if b=false. If there are selected rows outside top/bottom, they remain selected. Removes the current selection and selects all cells within the given rectangle. Call with all arguments set to 0 to deselect all cells. Returns true if the given row is part of the current selection. Returns true if the given cell is part of the current selection. The number of the last selected row in the current selection. The number of the first selected row in the current selection. The number of the last selected column in the current selection. The number of the first selected column in the current selection. Sets the number of rows and columns in the current data window. Use 0 for the value of a parameter if you only want to modify the other one. The total number of columns in the current data window. The total number of rows in the current data window. Stops the execution of the whole function/program. Jumps to the beginning of the next loop cycle. Terminates the current loop statement. Terminates the current function or procedure. An invalid number. Infinite (positive). 1/INF=0. The complementary error function. erfc(x) = 1 - erf(x) The error function, defined as the integral over exp(-x*x) and normalized to erf(-inf)=-1, erf(inf)=1. Returns the confidence interval of a parameter as calculated by the error analysis of the last fit. min,max=ranges of the confidence interval. i=parameter index. Sets options for the error analysis performed by the next call to 'Fit'. conf=confidence interval in %. iter=number of iterations. Set conf and iter to 0 to disable error analysis. Sets options for the next call to 'Fit'. algo=algorithm, 1..3. yD,xD=error distributions (1=Gauss, 2=Exp, 3=Lorentz, 4=AndrewSine, 5=TukeyBiweight). ∆xC,∆xVal: x-errors. See 'Fit'. stop: >0: max # iterations; =0: no limit; <0: max fit time in seconds. Fits the function 'func' to the data in the x-, y- and ∆y- columns. Set sel=true to use only selected rows. ∆yC=y-error column. Set ∆yC=0 to specify errors using ∆yVal: ∆yVal=0: no errors. ∆yVal>0: a constant value. ∆yVal<0: a % value (-100..-0). The mean deviation obtained in the last fit. Draws a data point at the given coordinate (x,y) in the current graph. ∆x1,∆y1,∆x2,∆y2 are used to set the error bar lengths according to the value of the parameter 'err' passed to 'OpenDataSet'. Starts the definition of a new data set. err=error bar kind (sum of noErrorBars, errorBarsY, errorBarsX, asymErrorBarsY, asymErrorBarsX). Set connect=true to draw lines between the data points. The text passed as the last parameter is used in the legend. The full covariance matrix obtained in the last Levenberg-Marquard fit. Returns an invalid number if the given element of the matrix is not defined. The standard deviations of the parameters used in the last Levenberg-Marquard fit. Returns an invalid number if the standard deviation is not available. The parameter values obtained in the last fit. The total number of parameters belonging to the function used in the last fit. Returns 0 if the last fit was not successful. Creates a new graph with the given ranges in the current drawing window. xSc,ySc=scaling of the axes, 0..3 (0=linear,1=log, 2=1/x, 3=probability). Returns true if the argument is not a good (valid) number. Returns the ranges of the main coordinate axes of the current graph. Variable declaration. Constant declaration with some useful constants. Declaration of the default values, fitting modes, names, and fitting limits of the parameters. Declaration of the number of parameters that will be used in your function (optional). Declaration of the description strings. The description strings declared in a function definition are displayed in the Parameters window. Body of a generic function. Body of a generic procedure. Declaration of the predefined function 'Check'. Declaration of the predefined procedure 'Derivatives'. Declaration of the predefined procedure 'First'. A very simple program. A complete program with all the principal syntax elements. A very simple function. A complete function with all the principal syntax elements. Sets the default columns of the current data window to the given column numbers. The default ∆y-column of the current data window The default ∆x-column of the current data window The default y-column of the current data window The default x-column of the current data window Returns true if the given column is empty. Sets the width of a column to the given number of pixels. Returns the type of a column (textColumn, floatColumn, doubleColumn) Sets the type of a column. type=(textColumn, floatColumn, doubleColumn). Sets the title of a column. Sets the text in the given cell. If the given cell is in a numeric column, SetCell attempts to convert the text in its third parameter into a number. Returns true if a data cell contains valid numeric data. Returns false if it contains text or if it is empty. Clears the given data cell. A matrix array containing the values in the current data window. You can read or set the value of the data cell in row i and column j by using data[i,j]. Conditional statement. Loop statement. One of the types of a variable. Predefined variable of function 'Check'. Check is called when a parameter value is changed in the parameter window, and pNumber contains the number of the parameter that was changed. Return value for the predefined function 'Check'. Set Check=ok to indicate that the new value of the parameter number 'pNumber' is to be accepted. Parameter fitting mode. Set mode[i]=active to indicate that parameter i must be fitted. Independent variable of a user defined function: y = f(x) is the function value at x. Comparison operator. Inverse hyperbolic function. Hyperbolic function. Inverse trigono- metric function. Trigono- metric function. Base 10 logarithm. log(100)=2. Natural logarithm (base e=exp(1) =2.7182818...). The ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. π = 3.1415926535897932… Logical constant. true=1. The absolute value. Abs(-1.2)=1.2 Calculates the square of its argument. sqr(r)=r^2=r**2=r*r. Use Sqr(r) instead of r^2. The Sqr function is faster. Logical operator. Power operator. You can also use '**' instead of '^'. x^y=x**y Basic algebraic operator.